Surgical loupes technology | Schultz Dental surgical blog

Find useful information abbout Surgical loupes technology, Schultz Loupe is committed to bring the best loupes and headlight to dental and medical professionals at most affordable price.
  1. Key Features to Consider When Buying Surgical Loupes with Headlight

    Key Features to Consider When Buying Surgical Loupes with Headlight

    Features to Consider When Buying Surgical Loupes with Headlight

    In the world of medical and dental practices, precision and clarity are non-negotiable. Whether you're a surgeon performing intricate procedures or a dentist perfecting restorative work, the right tools can significantly impact your effectiveness and comfort.

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  2. 7 different types of Schultz surgical magnification loupes part 2

    7 different types of Schultz surgical magnification loupes part 2

    The other day we have talked about the four different models of through the lens loupes that we offer here in Shultz Optical. Today we will be discussing and comparing the three different models of Schultz flip-up loupes.

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  3. 7 different types of Schultz surgical magnification loupes part 1

    7 different types of Schultz surgical magnification loupes part 1

    The use of magnification optical devices like the surgical magnifying loupes has improved both the visual acuity and the performance of the surgeons. The ergonomically designed loupes also allow better posture while working, making it possible for medical professionals to enjoy a pain-free practice and

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  4. Different types of artificial light sources used in Schultz dentistry

    Different types of artificial light sources used in Schultz dentistry

    Operatory light is critical to Schultz dentistry. Because dental procedures involve working in a secluded and dark field, the oral cavity, you must use a good illumination device in order for you to have better access to your working area. Achieving the right quantity, quality, and stability of light

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  5. Common Fallacies About Surgical Loupes And The Truth Behind Them Part 2

    Common Fallacies About Surgical Loupes And The Truth Behind Them Part 2

    The other day we talked about the first two fallacies about surgical loupes that many surgeons and doctors from around the world still believe even up to this modern days. Today, we are going to continue with the rest of the fallacies and unlock the truth about them.

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  6. Common Fallacies About Surgical Loupes And The Truth Behind Them Part 1

    Common Fallacies About Surgical Loupes And The Truth Behind Them Part 1

    Surgical loupes have been widely used in surgical applications and procedures to improve the operator's posture, to facilitate optimal and proper placement of surgical tools and instruments, as well as to enhance visualization of the operating region and its surrounding tissues. Although widely used,

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  7. Valuable Key Points That Makes Patients Select And Stay With Their Dentist Part 2

    Valuable Key Points That Makes Patients Select And Stay With Their Dentist Part 2

    A dental practice can practically be just a small patient-driven business. However, it does not have to stay as a mere small business. Check these additional important ingredients to a more successful private dental practice.

    General cleanliness

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  8. Valuable Key Points That Make Patients Select And Stay With Their Dentist Part 1

    Valuable Key Points That Make Patients Select And Stay With Their Dentist Part 1

    Aside from giving your clients what they want at an affordable and when they need it, there are other important ingredients to make a "success" recipe. With the right ingredients, you can be able to grow your dental practice, improve your patient base, and increase your revenue. But what can really make

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  9. Surgical Loupe And Its Importance In Surgery

    Surgical Loupe And Its Importance In Surgery

    In these modern days, the role that magnification devices play in a surgical setting can never be just taken for granted. The use of surgical loupe has long been recognized for providing a lot of benefits to the operator and to the patient. But what really is the

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  10. Primary Reasons Why Surgical Loupe Can Help Your Dental Practice

    Primary Reasons Why Surgical Loupe Can Help Your Dental Practice

    One of the common problems that you need to deal with when working with small objects and dark holes like the teeth and the mouth is your ability to see clearly. Visual defficiency is often associated to the absence of or the use of wrong type of magnification optical aids. While general clinical and

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