Dental loupes product comparison | Schultz Dental surgical blog
Posted: January 22, 2018
Eyestrain and musculoskeletal pains like back problems, neck fatigue, and shoulder pain have long been known as a by-product of dental practice. No single dentist, dental hygienist, and other dental professionals who have never experienced occupational pain at least once in his entire career. Some have
Posted: December 18, 2017
There are currently different types of dental loupes. One of these types is the headband loupes. This type of dental optical loupe has the same application as the flip-up loupes which have optical barrels that are mounted on the frame of the carrier lens and the through the lens loupes which have optical
Posted: July 31, 2017
Browsing the internet to find the best dental loupe products can be a tedious assignment. That is why we have decided to come up with this article to provide you with a comparison of the different loupe products available today. Check out which dental loupe is best for you.
Posted: July 17, 2017
Posted: June 28, 2017
One of the widely used magnification devices today is the dental loupe. Dental loupes have been known as a standard for modern day dentistry. This type of magnification device does not only allow you to enhance