HOW to buy dental surgical loupes  online

Buying loupes can be a complicated and expensive experience. We set out to revolutionize the way you purchase loupes.

At Schultz, you will get honest advice, professional service, top quality products but won't be charged thousands of dollar. Simply follow our four step guide below, you can own a pair of  high quality loupes for as little as $199 .

  • 1. Decide loupe types 

    TTL Loupes, or "through the lens loupes" has the telescopes imbedded into the frame lenses. This gives you a bigger viewing area and saves weight. Flip-ups Loupes can be moved up and out of the way when you still need safety glasses but do not need the magnification. This is a convenience but does add a little weight.
  • 2. Choose magnification

    Magnification is dependent on the application. Below are some recommendations based on occupation.
    • General Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Implantology: 2.5x - 3.0x
    • Endo, Crown and Bridge Work: 2.5x - 4.0x
    • Surgery, Lab Work, Technician: 3.0x - 5.0x
    Keep in mind the higher the power the smaller the viewing area. Bigger is not always better!
  • 3. Take measurements

    Working Distance, that is the distance between your eyes and the operation area. To measure your working distance, place yourself as you will be using the loupes, whether sitting or standing, and measure the distance between your eyes and the work area or the patient .

    Pupil Distance. If you choose to buy TTL loupes, We also need your Near PD which is the distance between your pupils while looking at close objects. You can go to any optical store to get it measured for about $5. Be sure to let the optician  know you need  Near PD.

  • 4. Order  and save !

    Navigate our website and use the information you have collected using this guide to choose the features and fill out the measurements. If you still need help, use our customer service chat to speak to an agent who will be happy to help you get what you need.