5 Primary Factors To Consider When Choosing The Best Surgical Loupes
Surgical loupes are being differentiated according to their depth of field, working distance, interpupillary distance, field of view, and magnification. Although surgical loupes all have the same purpose and use, they are not created equal. Each of the types of surgical loupes available in the market today has its own characteristics. Before shopping, you must know first the different factors that you need to consider when choosing the right one for you.
Here are the important factors that will help you pick the best surgical loupes.
Depth of Field
The depth of field of the surgical loupes is directly related to the magnification factor and the working distance. The lower the magnification factor or the longer the working distance is, the greater the depth of field will be. The depth of field is the depth that is in focus when you view the objects through the lens of the loupe. If you want to see the object a bit deeper, choose the loupe with greater depth of field.
Working Distance
Surgical loupes differ in working distance. To ensure utmost comfort, choose the loupe with the working distance that suits you. With the right working distance, you can be able to perform your task well without having to hold unnatural positions or to bend forward. If you are a dentist, you can measure your working distance by getting the distance between your eyes and the nose of your patient. Be sure to sit or stand in an upright position when getting the measurement.